Digital Portfolio

Data Analysis and Visualization

Below are samples of my current (and completed) projects utilizing Tableau and Looker.

You can visit each interactive Tableau dashboard by clicking on the preview image.


Equity Analysis

This dashboard analyzing equity data focuses on a high-level district analysis as well as focused analyses on students identified as gifted and English learners.

Customer Churn

This dashboard analyzes customer churn for a fictional communication technology company, Databel, based on a variety of aggregations.

CO2 Per Capita

This dashboard analyzes the global production of carbon dioxide aggregated by year, country, region, and per capita.

Global Happiness

This simplistic dashboard displays the happiness score, which is a factor developed based on the correlation of health and wealth.

Looker and LookML

Calculated Columns in Looker

In this sample dashboard from Looker, I utilized calculated fields to demonstrate change over time.

Sample Looker Dashboard

In this sample Looker dashboard, I am utilizing different types of charts to display useful data for consumers.